Dear Dave,
I wanted to update you on the progress of my promotion opportunity and salary negotiation. The position was moved under another manager after we spoke and I had to re-interview an additional time. I was confirmed as the candidate of choice.
The initial offer was a 5% increase (as you said it likely would be). The recruiter framed it as being a very generous offer since the typical offer is 3%. With your help and preparation, I was ready and managed to counter effectively and negotiate a 25% increase. Taking the finalized offer from 74K to 92K. The offer had to go through several levels of approval and was finalized this past Monday. I start this coming Monday in the new role and at the new rate. Thank you for your teaching me and preparing me for the negotiation process, it was truly invaluable. Without it I would have been unprepared and would have likely taken the 5%.
Your service was the best investment in my career. I cannot thank you enough!
I commissioned Dave Romeo’s coaching services after my job was eliminated. Dave’s expertise in HR and business was hugely valuable to me. With Dave’s coaching, I was prepared for my job interviews with key questions I never would have asked. Those questions helped me move away from jobs I believe would have been a bad fit for me had I accepted the positions. When I found the perfect opportunity, I accepted it with the confidence that I had asked the right questions and the culture was a good fit for me.
I highly recommend Dave’s coaching services for career, professional development, and business growth. I am confident you will see a large return on your investment. I did.
Thank you, Dave.