I’ve said many times that the biggest turning point in your life occurs when you decide not to give up on a dream or goal just because it becomes difficult. This is true in every aspect of your life. Did you ever fail an aptitude test and give up on your career? I did. I was planning to go to college as a music major, but I failed my audition. I didn’t mind and I didn’t give up. I just changed my plans and became an English major. That decision has allowed me to write blogs, books, television episodes, and seminar lesson plans for the past quarter of a century.
Just because you begin on one path doesn’t mean you have to stay on it. The key is to make sure that you’re on the right path to begin with. As I learned, my musical interests change drastically from the time I picked up my first guitar until the time I donated my last one to a charity fundraiser. However, my interest in writing has never waned. It’s only grown stronger over the years and has helped make a living and a career for the past 25 years.
Once you begin on the right path, you understand that it will take commitment, hard work, and discipline not to give up when the road gets rough. No one goes from 0 to 100 without hitting a few speed bumps. The key is to mentally set your mind on finishing what you start. That means that you have to anticipate tough times and setbacks. That means you understand that — like in marriage — you have to keep on going in sickness and in health. You can’t turn off momentum. You seek it when it is absent and you seize it when it returns. Then, you ride it as long as you can.
The long haul is just that…long. It means that you can get worn out and tired out. It means you will be tempted to give up and give in. But the key to long distance success is stepping up and digging in. So, put on a pair of comfortable, quality running shoes and be willing to go the distance because you’re not running away from your competitors. You’re running away from mediocrity.
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot
This excerpt is taken from my all-new seminar entitled Designing Your Destiny VI: Crossing the Finish Line. I encourage you to click here to watch the Designing Your Destiny VI: Crossing the Finish Line seminar video at Dave Romeo Online University or purchase my brand-new book Crossing the Finish Line at www.romeonetwork.com.