How To Uncover Your Blind Spots.
Know thyself!
The best professional athletes on the planet all have coaches. The coach’s job is not to be better than the athlete. The coach needs to be more aware than the athlete in order to be of service. What a coach does is observe objectively as to what the athlete or client is currently doing. The coach assesses what he or she sees and makes recommendations.
It often only takes a little observation to see how you can help the client improve. Frequently, the client only needs a little bit of tweaking or adjusting in order to get better results. The problem is that it’s very difficult for the client to know what to improve without having the observation of another party.
For example, when I started coaching, I was working with a salesman in the landscaping field. I watched him do his sales presentation and noticed that every time he came to mentioning the price, he would wince. It looked like he was winking as he was stating the price. When he was done with his presentation, I shared this observation with him. He was completely unaware that he was doing it.
The following week, the same salesperson came back for his next coaching session and did his sales presentation again. He did not wince once during his entire 90-minute coaching session. I asked him how he pulled that off. He said that after I had shared with him my observation, he went home and watched himself in a mirror while he did his sales presentation. He said that he saw what I was talking about and realized that it might be off-putting to a prospect and so he worked on eliminating it.
Within a year’s time, he became the first person in his company’s history to do over $1 million in sales in one year. The benefit of having someone else observe what he was already doing and calling his attention to it allowed him the opportunity to decide that he didn’t like what he saw and to do something differently. The result was a significant increase in his sales numbers.
If you’re not sure how you are coming across when interacting with prospects, coworkers, customers, or employees, you might want to get a business coach who can observe you and give you some objective feedback on how you are doing. Only after you know where your blind spots are, can you decide what to do to improve them.
“Self-awareness is how you decide what you can and want to change and what you should accept.”
– Source unknown
(This excerpt is taken from my seminar entitled Inspired Leadership VI: Coaching and Mentoring Mastery.) I encourage you to click here to register for my exclusive live Zoom Inspired Leadership VI: Coaching and Mentoring Mastery seminar on Thursday, August 25, 2022 from 9 AM to 12 noon Eastern Standard Time.