Recently, my team found itself in a predicament. We were in the process of loading numerous videos to populate Dave Romeo Online University. In the middle of the project, the main producer had to exit unexpectedly. In the meantime, the leaders were left holding the bag and felt stumped as to what the next step should be.
I mentioned that Romeo Network could solve this problem. After having spoken with the two gentlemen who originally built the site, I contacted both of their sons who are now grown man. One of them was very eager to work on this project. In addition, I contacted one of my best customers whose son was serendipitously in between jobs. While he was in the midst of regrouping after an unfortunate circumstance, he also expressed an interest in helping out. This all took place within 24 hours.
The point of the lesson I want to impart on you is that you always need to be a talent scout — ever searching for the key people who can help you either now or in the future. Are you sizing up potential hires that you may need down the line?
In my very first full-time job, I worked as a bank teller. I’m not sure how much of a future that position held, but within six months of taking the job, I was offered a better position and received a significant pay increase that led to several upward promotions. How did this come about? At my graduation party, my future employer happen to be an invited guest of my cousin. We met only briefly during the occasion but he remembered me and sought me out when an opportunity arose.
Even if you are not currently in need of good help, that doesn’t mean you should not be constantly on the search for top talent. And one more very important point, make sure that your first impression on your potential future hires are positive ones. That’s what they’ll remember about you when you approach them about coming on board with you.
“Time spent hiring is time well spent.” – Robert Half
This excerpt is taken from the seminar entitled How to Hire Winners. I encourage you to
click here to register for John Ellis’s exclusive live Zoom presentation of How to Hire Winners on Thursday, March 7, 2024 from 9 AM to 12 noon Eastern Standard Time.